We were at the Matafonua Lodge anchorage and were heading to Pangai for a couple nights. We thought it would be fun to invite Darren and Nina’s three kids to join us for a short day sail. They had been out of school for a while, as their teacher had moved on. We thought it would give them a change in scene. Their son, JJ, a keen fisherman, was busy with a snorkel and fish charter that day, but Abbey and Lilly agreed to come along.

Lilly and Abbey heading out for a sail on Whistler

Abbey at the helm

Skipper Lilly

Monty with Lilly and Abbey

Lilly and Abbey
We had a nice day, sunshine, not too windy and lots of whales to watch from a distance.
On our way back up to Matafonua a few days later, JJ joined us. We got AN EDUCATION on fishing. He even gave us a purple squid lure, which we are happy to report worked on a later fishing adventure.


JJ with his tuna
He caught one tuna, but it was not a stellar day for fishing. We saw lots of whales and some sinner dolphins swam in front of our bow for a while. JJ was keen to learn about our boat, asking lots of practical questions.
We anchored off Nukunamo Island, also known as King Island, as we were leaving the next morning for Vavau. The boys went for a dive and brief swim.

JJ and Monty taking a dive off

JJ going for a second jump
Hopefully the kids enjoyed their outing with us as much as we did!