After Klemtu, we motored up Tolmie Channel. We passed sea lion colonies, humpbacks, land slides, waterfalls and more hazardous floating logs.

About 38 NM north, we reached Butedale, a former cannery site. A massive waterfall is at the entrance to the bay. Notice the recent snow on the hills above. We had applied for permission to use their dock in advance, as suggested in the cruising guide. It was grey and rainy when we arrived but we were happy to be tied up. No power on the dock, as expected, but it was a very welcome stop for a day of motor-cruising in dreary weather. The next possible anchorage or dock was hours away.

For some years, an effort has been made to restore the community. We heard the site is for sale.

The next morning, we wandered around the former vibrant community. Some old buildings, equipment and homes remain.

We walked up a path passing the old power station attempting to find the trail to Butedale Lake. The trail was too wet for our hiking shoes with many boggy sections. Al and Irene met us after we had turned back. They persevered, making it to the lake. Note Irene is sporting her XTRATUFF Salmon Sisters boots, the proper footwear for this trail. Al manages the challenge with his yachting boots.

Monty encouraged me to fly my new drone (for the first time). I had permission from the property manager and it wasn’t raining! The heli-pad was a safe place to take off and land and there were no people around. I took a few videos but they are better left for another venue.

As we left the next day, we positioned our boats to take photos in front of the waterfalls.

Next stop, Bishop Hot Springs!
One comment in this post
Wow. Looks a bit damp and cold but I’m sure by now the sun will be out soon for the long long days
Hoping you got the Aurora and if so … I’ll bet some amazing photos.
Keep the posts coming
J ( and R who is currently skiing in Iceland 😳)