Over the last few years, Ocean Navigator and Ocean Voyager have used nine of my images for their covers.
A big thanks to Amanda Swan, former first mate on Mahina Tiare III for helping launch me into the publishing world. She co-ran Mahina Expeditions, an offshore sailing school we attended in 2014. Amanda had been a regular contributor of images and articles for Ocean Navigator and numerous other magazines. Knowing I was a keen photographer and a sailor, she suggested I contact the magazine with some cover ideas.
I also want to thank my neighbour, Paul Wright, for his support and guidance with my photography and Monty for his patience!
Here are my magazine covers to date:
Special Edition, 2022

This was taken with my DJI drone as we anchored off the outer reef near Musket Cove, Fiji, in 2018. The boat is a 1996 14m Elliot called S/V Fusio, owned by our Kiwi friends, Warwick and Lanie. You might note Warwick is floating in the “O” of the Voyager title.
September/ October, 2022

This is a Norwegian-flagged Swan 48, S/V Mera, a 1973 Parkman & Stephens design. This was taken on a windy afternoon after departing Vuda Marina in Fiji, headed for Opua, New Zealand in 2019. Balancing my camera with a long lens in the rough seas was challenging. At times, the boat would dip in the trough of the swells so that only the sails were visible. With help from Sharron at Whangarei Marina and the amazing cruising community, we were able to track down the owner, now back in Norway. I arranged for the publisher to send him a copy of the magazine.
January/February, 2023

This is our catamaran, Whistler, anchored off the leeward side of Telekitonga, Tonga, in 2019. Monty took a dip to check that the anchor was well set as we were surrounded by reefs. We paddle-boarded to shore and walked around the uninhabited island. Typical of these islands, garbage had washed up on the windward beach including fridges, stoves, flip-flops, fish nets and plastic. Numerous crabs danced and dug holes in the sand as they heard us approaching. We enjoyed the sound the waves breaking over the coral reef bommies to our port. With our faithful Rocna anchor dug in and tested, no wind in the forecast and anchor watch on, we braved staying for one unforgettable night.
Special Edition, 2023

From 2018, Whistler is on the right, anchored in Ship Cove, Bay of Islands, Vanua Balavu, The Lau Group, Fiji. We had the company of a few boats, including a sister boat, Golden Glow from San Diego, California. It was not our first visit to this anchorage and we returned for good reason. The Bay of Islands has much to offer the cruising yachts. We buzzed around the islands in our dinghies, modified Miami Vice style, snorkelled vibrant coral reefs and explored underwater caves. According to custom, we paid a visit to the local village chief, presenting our gift of a bundle of kava (Sevusevu). At dusk, we joined a dinghy-brigade for happy hour and were thrilled by thousands of fruit bats flying over us, just starting their workday!
September/October, 2023

As some of you may know, we purchased a 2007 Catalina 42 MKII in March, 2023. Renamed Whistler, we test out the asymmetrical spinnaker while sailing up the Hoskyn Channel in the Discovery Islands, BC.
March/April, 2024

This issue features a 1983 Hans Christian 33T that I shot with our drone in 2016. Through Greg, the owner of the Tropicana Cafe in Neiafu, Vava’u, Tonga, I was able to connect with the new owner of the boat. He has been hired to help the Tongan government monitor the health of the ocean. He put me in touch with the former owner, an American, now living back in the US. I arranged for both owners to receive a copy of the magazine and a copy of the cover image. The location is a protected anchorage in Tonga called the Ark Gallery. An American couple had a floating art gallery in the anchorage and used to take care of boats while their owners flew home for a break. Notice how the little dinghy is placed in the “O”. The former owners frequently sailed that dinghy to town and to fish.
May/June, 2024

This is another image of our former boat, Whistler, anchored off Mana Island, on the west coast of Fiji taken in October, 2016. Waves crash on the reef surrounding the anchorage which is a soothing sound when you are lying in bed falling asleep. We hiked to the hilltop on Mana for a 360° view of the stunning Mamanuca Islands. It was a scorcher of an October day so we rigged the sunshade to cool the boat down. The cover didn’t fit well so we had a canvas maker alter it. With cyclone season not far off, the daily temperatures and humidity were rising. As much as we loved Fiji, we were happy to be heading south to New Zealand.
September/October, 2024

Another South Pacific drone shot of Whistler with a charter boat on the left and a Nordhavn on the top right. The location was Blue Lagoon in Vavau, tonga. We later met the couple who owned the Nordhavn, M/V Starlet, in Fiji.
November/December, 2024

My most recent cover with our Catalina, Whistler, in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Our friend, Irene, rowed over in her dinghy to pick me up so I could take a photo of our boat with Margerie in the background while Monty carefully dodged icebergs! Fortunately, the sun peaked through the normally overcast skies on the day we visited Tarr Inlet. Magnificent Margerie Glacier is in the background. Huge sections of the exposed wall of the glacier cascaded into the ocean while we watched in awe. We were careful not to get too close the glacier, because the wake it creates when it calves could capsize a boat. Cruising in Alaska is remarkably different, and colder, from cruising in the South Pacific! Our epic Alaska trip covered 2200NM in 70 days!
No plans on where we will sail on our boat next year but, hopefully, more “covers” will be discovered along the way!
It’s fantastic, dear Margy, that you were able to design so many cover pages with really convincing photos. Congratulations!
Now I wish you both a bright Christmas and an eventful, happy and healthy New Year!
Big hug, Christian
Hi Margy and Monty, What a fantastic and diverse collection of locations and boats!! You are very talented and Monty, as you note, is the ideal off-sider given his contribution of patience!! Best wishes for a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Brad & Laura