Seeking refuge from the southerly swell, we sailed north about 30 miles. We hooked a few fish on the way.
This skipjack didn’t quite make it to our boat before a large wahoo took a bite!Another mahimahi which Monty released as he thought it was a bit small.
It was not our first stop at this anchorage off Uonukuhihifo and Uonukuhahaki in the Ha’apai Group. We were hoping the islands would give us some better protection from the southerly swell and they did.
This image has the islands mislabelled. Uonukuhihifo is on the left and Uonukuhakaki is the larger one in the middle. Tofanga is the little island on the right.
In Tongan, nuku means assemble, hihifo means west and hahake means east. You can see the reasoning in that. We visited these islands a couple times in 2017. This time, we had the company of three or four familiar yachts, Halcyon 7, Saltheart, Malakite and, after these images were taken, Midnight Sun.
Luckily, the winds abated and the sun shone long enough to take a few drone shots.It is a fair anchorage in sand with a bit of sea grass.Saltheart anchored off Uonukuhahaki. Lots of coral to their east.
We took advantage of the calm sunny afternoon again by snorkelling the coral bommies just west of the anchorage. We found a nice array of healthy corals and small fish. Bigger fish like parrotfishes and triggerfish were around but disappeared quickly under cover when they saw us. This area is regularly fished by locals.
Colourful eye markings!Orangefin anemonefish with numerous babies (Photo by Monty)Nemo staring Monty down (Photo by Monty)Photo by MontyThe island has a few access spots for getting ashore with the dinghy. We went for a walk to the northern end of the island. Monty checked out the sandy beach to see if he could launch a kite. Wind direction was not quite right on this day. Monty wade out into the channel to check the depth and current.
Tofanga is in the background. We found out (too late) we should have gone to the northern end of that island for launching and kiting. Next time!
Amongst the usual plastic and other treasures on the windward side of these islands, another FAD (Fish Attraction Device) had washed up. This one had a broken solar light attached. Breaking wave with Tofua Island behind.Sun rising between the islands
Next stop, Pangai to check in and wait for a trough to pass.
Oh my – what stunning photos! Breaking wave is my favourite but every single one has us city bound folks drooling! Amazing adventure.. keep those blogs coming!
Hi guys, Stewart is 100% correct – we are all living vicariously through your blogs … and lovin’ it!! Great to hear what you are up to. Brad
It looks so beautiful! The pictures are fantastic. A part of the world I have never seen and would like to get to at some point. Safe travels!
Monty is very happy to hear from you! Let us know when you are in this neck of the woods.
Oh my – what stunning photos! Breaking wave is my favourite but every single one has us city bound folks drooling! Amazing adventure.. keep those blogs coming!
Thanks, Holly. How is your golf game and how are tourneys going? Miss you!
Nicey !! Repeating myself but awesome photos….
Thanks, Jane!